White Box customer profiler

Which of these best describes where you are on your data journey?

Find which of these scenarios best fits your situation, and use our customer profile matrix at right to see the typical service offerings.

  • I’m confident with the tools I’m using, but there are a few things I could use help with. Consider us your data tradie – get in, do the job, sign out.
    Refer Trade Job.

  • I’ve taken some initiatives and have a vision of what I want, but it’s outside my domain knowledge. I want to do an initial project with you to test the waters.
    Refer Project Partner.

  • I might be either of the above, but capacity is always going to be hard to come by.
    Refer Trusted Advisor.

  • I’m near the beginning, no projects yet in the pipeline. I know I should be doing something with my data but I need guidance and I’m wide open to options.
    Refer Start-up.

customer profile matrix showing typical data service offerings