Global Mobility Patterns - Movement Changes during the Global Pandemic


Countries all over the world have had different strategies to tackling Covid-19. Although every country has different characteristics relating to their size and concentration of population, access to and supply of healthcare services and facilities, as well as attitudes and behaviours in response to government implemented schemes to prevent to viruses spread, it is clear that some countries have kept new infections at much lower levels than others.

Our team of data scientists have closely followed the latest Google Mobility Data in an attempt to match Nation wide policies on the movement of people with actual location data trends. Extracting data about all countries with available mobility data, we graph out the % change from the baseline of visitors to Grocery Stores and Pharmacies, Parks, Residences, Retail and Recreational Spaces, Transit Stations and Workplaces.

[The baseline is calculated as the average usage rates of these areas prior to the reported period.]

Check out the visualisation below to see what trends stick out to you. We will update this visualisation with infection rate data in the coming week. Be sure to click on individual countries to see their individual trends.



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